General practitioner (GP)
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Find the best General practitioner (GP) in Greece

What is general practitioner?
General practitioners (GPs) treat all common medical conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment. They focus on the health of the whole person combining physical, psychological and social aspects of care.
What does general practitioner
If you have a health issue, the first person you usually go to see is your GP. They will decide whether you need to see another health professional. If needed, they will give you a referral to see a specialist in a certain medical area or refer you to other health professionals.
What general practitioner treats?
If you’re seeking treatment for a physical or mental health concern, a general practitioner is likely your first point of contact. They help everyone from newborns to older adults.
General Practitioner procedures
Procedures performed by a GP include:
Minor surgery.
Suturing wounds.
Excision of skin lesions.
Cryotherapy (freezing) of skin lesions.
Pap smears.
Breast examination.
Prostate examination.